
table for two, ma'am?

it seems i've somehow become a 'ma'am'. i used to be a 'miss'. and i don't know how i feel about that! sure, i'm 34 and well into the ma'am area - but i generally get told that i look to be 25 - 27 (with a few years spill over on either side of that too). but somehow this summer i've morphed into a woman instead of a girl. i blame it on my new bobbed hair!

if i am indeed looking a bit older - perhaps it will help me with career stuff.... i think one of my big problems is that i look so much younger than my experience actually is - that and everyone seems to think i'm quite nice. nice = passed over in the career world. you need to be a bitch to get taken seriously. and i actually think i am quite bitchy, thank you very much.

i got a call last week from one of the companies i used to work for. they MAY be opening a new line of operations and if they are, they're interested in seeing if i want to come back to them to hire, train and supervise the staff they're going to need. i don't have any of the details - the company is working under a confidentiality agreement at the moment, but if it's along the lines i'm thinking that it might be... i could be VERY interested. well, that and i'd need to make sure i was making more $$ than the last time i was working for them. i really could only just make budget with them last time. and trust me, it wasn't an extravagant budget. well, perhaps it may be for someone who's just a MISS - but i'm a bluddy MA'AM now!

keep your fingers and toes crossed for me... and the best thing about it is that i could still do work for the producer guy... it would be a nice little way to help me get my crazed visa bill under control! my bill is probably not as bad as it seems, but i am a taurus... we're hyper aware of money and what we owe.... it's not a good thing to know that you are carrying a balance from month to month to month and getting a massive interest bill along with it. currently, my monthly interest is enough for a nice dinner for 2 (with wine, perhaps 2 glasses, if not a 1/2 litre) or a nice skirt or a nearly enough for a new pair of jeans.

at any rate - it was very nice for my former employer to think of me for an opportunity. she once told me she would remember me... i'm glad to see that she wasn't just saying those things you say to ease social transaction.

[music | chris koster, "if you see me"]


Suzanne R said...

I'm a Taurus, too, and I fit that hyper-aware-of-money pattern myself! I also am told I look young for my age, like I'm in my late 30's when I'm actually 57. That could be a problem when I start showing my AARP card! LOL!

Just found your comment about your hydrangea on my blog in early July. I'm glad you could identify your plant from my pics! Now I have a feature that notifies me when someone comments, so I won't neglect to say thanks again. (And with that, thank you!)

jodi said...

suzanne - thanks for the comments! and let's stay young together... :)

and imajica... i will let you know asap... i hope i have something to share soon... i hope i hope.....