
one down, and not in a good way

yeah. so. i didn't get the job. it's still not official, coz the fuckers haven't called me yet - but i've heard through some pretty reliable sources that someone who also used to work for them has just left his current gig. i'll bet you all a million dollars that he got the job. of course he did. so now their a&r department is full of men. and entire department of guys. how lame is that? not that i have anything against men - but c'mon - a little gender diversity isn't a bad thing....

le sigh. i'm now back to wondering what that hell went wrong in my life. why can i not get the things i want? this industry really blows. what a mistake it was to get into it. and then shame on me, get BACK into it. i had my chance to leave. but now i'm kind of stuck. with no prospects other than my current dead-boring one-task a day gig. and that's worth a really big le sigh.

so. this leaves me with one big want now.

no more split focus. all energies are now on the oilers winning the stanley cup. game 6 in edmonton goes tonight at 8:00 est. i'm nervous and anxious for them. in articles they say they are calm - good for them - it's because i'm taking up all the nervious energy for them!

thought i'd post a few pictures of my trip to edmonton for game 4. enjoy, or not.

this is currently my desktop image. pretty cool.

an essential part of any game-day expeience is getting there ontime for the pre-game skate. so so exciting!

a few hours before the puck dropped, cbc was getting some footage. my dad's in this picture! and no - my dad is not don cherry.


an essay on wanting

my gods. i want two things very very badly right now.
1 - an a&r job
2 - the oilers to win the stanley cup

the whole sordid saga of my job interview is too tedious to put here. briefly... i had an interview. it went well. i have done the job before and i seem to be a natural no-brainer to hire. that being said, this industry is never one to go with brains. if you know what i mean. i was promised that i'd be 'hearing from them very soon'. then i got a return message to my thank-you for the interview email telling me they would make a decision by the following week.

by mid-week i was wound tighter than a (i don't know, insert metaphor of your liking here) and making myself ill over it. i sent another quick email asking them for a timeline on their decision and told them again how excited i was by the opportunity that they have to offer... blah blah blah. by the friday i still hadn't heard from them and i was leaving toronto on the saturday not to be back until the following wednesday. not wanting to send them another note so soon, i decided to send my contact info to the vp of hr. she sent me back an email telling me she 'believed' that they had made a decision to hire from within but that she still hadn't heard from them either.

i was bummed. what a way to go off to edmonton in an attempt to cheer on the oilers. so so bummed.

anyway - i'm back now, but my sources at the company say that an annoucement has not yet been made about the new hire. and i still haven't heard anything at all from the guys i interviewed with. should i rekindle my dying spark of hope? (ok, let's be serious - it wasn't a dying spark. it was dead. as a door nail. done. over. finished. boo.) i am starting to have a little flicker of hope that the game is still afoot. maybe it's still meant to be mine?


and regarding my other want - the oilers play the hurricanes tonight at 8:00pm. if we can win this one, we go back to edmonton. the oilers have come too far to have their season end tonight. GO OILERS GO!

i'll be the crazed person yelling at her tv at the top of her lungs tonight.

so much wanting. please give me a little satisfaction.

[music | editors, "munich"]


past | present | future

a friend of mine scolded me for abandoning ye ole blog. i don't know if it was more the fact that these pages are languishing away - or the fact i left off with an entry about paris hilton. regardless - i think those who aren't even updating their own blog shouldn't be too smug!

gainful employment has cut down on my blogging time. that and my seemingly ever-increasing obsession with myspace. regardless - much has happened. not the least of which involves me going on a job interview. a job interview for a job i really really really really really really want. how do i know this with such certainty? well, you see, it's a job i had up until a year and a half ago. it was the best job in the world. seriously. i ended up getting laid off in a merger and now the person they decided to keep instead of me has taken a more senior job at another company. opening the door for me once more.

going into too many details may just jinx the damned thing - so i will leave it at a request for anyone still reading this poor neglected page to send some serious luck and positive energy my way. pretty please?

also - i've been pretty much a shut-in for the duration of the stanley cup playoffs. i grew up just west of edmonton and in edmonton you watch hockey. watch hockey and shop in a giant eyesore of a mall. when i wasn't killing time in the mall or shutting myself away in the basement to listen to music, i was watching hockey. as a result - i am still a hardcore oiler fan. and my boys are 4 wins away from bringing home the stanely cup once more! the last time they won it was in 1990 - the year i moved to toronto. it's been a while.

why am i telling you this? how about because i am going to GAME THREE OF THE STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS. yes, indeed. june 10th in edmonton. i fly out to edmonton in the morning and come back on the following tuesday. if luck is on my side the oilers will sweep the cup and i'll be returning to toronto as a very giddy oiler-gurl.

i'm going to try updating this forsaken page a little more frequently. and i hope i can update it soon with news about my new job and that the stanley cup is in canada once more.

[music | snow patrol, "chasing cars"]