
word nerd.... redux

before today's post - i'd like to say that i'm in slight mourning for two reasons. the first is that one of my new fish that i bought for my fish pond has died... :( he was MIA at feedings the past little while and today the body surfaced.... poor little calico guy... and the second reason i'm sad today - i was supposed to be seeing a david usher show tonight (in hamilton) however the transit gods are not on my side today and i decided not to try to go in order to save the 100.00 i'd probably have to pay for a hotel in hamilton tonight.

ok - black armbands off - my moment of pity is over.

never let it be said that i don't finish what i've started.... as promised (threatened?) the other day - here is the continuation of my love of books/words/writing....

after reading all the horse stories i could get my hands on and using the spring board of the fantastical world of narnia my teens found me being beckoned by the white boney finger of horror... i moved onto the entire library of stephen king, the creepy and somewhat incest-centric v.c. andrews, small town and child obessed john saul, darkly seductive early dean r. koontz and i first discovered my beloved gothic prince edgar allan poe. with the exception of poe - i stopped reading these authors by about age 19. though i did read 'the green mile' in my mid-twenties.

then in my 2o's i hit my vampire novel phase. i think if a mass market book about vamps came out from about '90 - '96 - i owned it! working at a bookstore helped to feed that obsession - and make it more affordable. to this day - i have a great collection of hardcover vampire anthologies, but have gotten rid of most of the cheesy crappola... ;) and let me tell you - that genre has A LOT of cheesy crappola.

most recently i've been reading some novels that have been quite disappointing.... "our lady of the forest", "the changeling", "the gleemaiden" and the less disappointing "holy fools". before those i read "the blue roan child" and "the kite runner" (amazing and fabulous, the both of them). next, i think i'll be reading book three of the otori series and later this summer, i'm looking forward to the latest harry potter and this fall to the new neil gaiman.

and, of course, i am a non-fiction slut too. books about religion, ancient egypt and other civilizations, various historical topics and biopics (currently am reading a book about ghengis khan - can i be descended from the mongols, pretty please???)

any out there have any recommendations for me? i am always looking for new books and authors to blow my mind....

[music | the eurythmics, "here comes the rain again"]

1 comment:

jodi said...

ooh - i can't believe i forgot to add clive barker to the list! those two books in particular are fave's of mine.... i loved the fact that your nick is 'imajica' :-)

while i'm here - i forgot to also add h.p. lovecraft, guy gavriel kay, rauld dahl, leonard cohen and an amazing book written by an author that wrote only one book in his career (so far). the book actually made me wake up in a terror-tinged sweat twice. it's called 'house of leaves' and the author is named mark z danielewski...