
why does it always rain on me...

so today after my yoga class - i went and bought some gold fish for the pond in the back... my downstairs neighbours and me and my roommate share the yard and the pond has been a bit of a group effort. the neighbour has been putting in oyster half-shells in an effort to neutralize the acidity in the water & then she put in a bunch of lilies and water hyacinths... it looks so frickin cute...

when i moved in last year there was a large goldfish in the pond already. he was about 6 years old, i think the landlord said. anyway - that large fishie didn't not survive the winter... :( but now with my 6 new babies (2 gold fantails, 1 gold & white fantail, 1 calico fantail & 2 black chinese moors) i'm hoping that i'll have fish again.... i get so mezmerized by watching them... so so soothing

so, after spending much time with my new babies... we get a deluge of rain, more than we've gotten all year to date in about 10 minutes this afternoon.... i look out the window at the pond and all the wee plants have been washed out of the pond and the pond has overflowed. i figure it's just my luck that i bring home 32.00 worth of fish & after about 5 hours they all die as they get washed up on the rocks & lawn! as soon as the rain stopped - i check the little guys and didn't see any bodies - so i'm just guessing that they've had more excitement than they've ever had in their little lives at PJ's pets

[music | keane, "everybody changes"]

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