
so we've started a pool at work - a rockstar pool. or rather, i should say - i've started a pool! i've never run one before and i've never even BEEN in one. it's fun making up the rules. heehee. and somehow, i'm in the lead!

so, before i start sobbing like dilana (not to mention throwing red goblets around), lets go into the performances. even though it is oh-so-lame to let the fans pick the songs. i'd rather see the band pick songs for the performers.

lukas rossi - lithium (nirvana)
how can this guy not be the winner? just how? i usually can not stand it when the 'rawkers' mess with nirvana - but that was brilliant.

magni - i alone (live)
yet another live cover. i don't like live - but magni puts that band to shame. he is really oh so good. and he wipes up the floor with live. what a voice.

ryan starr - clocks (coldplay)
gag. can't say i enjoy his falsetto. rough rough rough. did he lose his razor? he is fake. contrived. and a poser.
storm large - bring me to life (evanescence)
this was not at all in her style or register - but she pulled it off. she pulled it off so much that i forgot to type and just watched the performance. :-) and toby was incredible too.

toby rand - rebel yell (billy idol)
oh - if only he'd of coloured his hair platinum for this week! :-) i bow down to you toby. this was entertaining, and perfect for him. and the crowd ate it up. so did i. and oh, with the fans, so so so freakin cool. so much fun. it's now between toby and lukas.

dilana - mother mother (tracy bonham)
i can't believe i feel this way - but i really never need to see this woman perform again. and she's got the chipmunk voice going on again - just like when she sang the supernova song.

my picks for bottom three - storm, ryan and magni. my pick to go home - though i'd do cartwheels to see ryan go home - i'm afraid it's magni's week. he's just not disturbed enough to front that band.


Unknown said...

I really wish that I had continued watching this show ...DAMMIT !!! Its not the same, after missing X episodes I was out of the loop and I gave up....wahhhhhhh.


jodi said...

next time my dear... :-)

don't worry - the show will be over soon & i can get back to normal more interesting blogging!!

are you feeling better today?

Unknown said...

better yes...it lasted for about three days ...wieeeeeeerrrrrrrd !

n u?


Lil Sparrow