
tempt not yon hell-cat

i woke up on the weekend only to discover that i have a somehow caught the dreaded summer cold. it began with with razor blade swallowing, moved on to congestion and aching kidneys/gums and is now settling nicely into the 'plugged ears' portion of our game.

needless to say, work seems to be taking an eternity to get through. in honour of this - i thought i'd post a few little distractions.

a friend of mine sent this to me ages ago - but am just now getting around posting it. someone has taken clips from various george w. speaches and made him sing u2's "sunday bloody sunday". it's nothing short of brilliant. watch and be amazed.

and of course - this is just too hideous for words. almost too hideous for the eyes too. the one (and thankfully only) huff.

bringing me to the end of my lunch hour - please be entertained by making fiends. it's several short flash cartoons about a girl named charolotte and a girl named vendetta. vendetta makes fiends.... you have to watch them to understand. it's made by the same person who did my beloved muffinfilms several years ago. long live creativity.

[music | keane, "is it any wonder?"]

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