
the odd and the end

so after running around yonge and bloor area like a chicken with her head cut off, i now have everything i need for the wedding. i hope. my cousin chad is getting married this weekend in saskatoon. yesterday i thought i was ready for my early morning flight out to saskachewan (i arrive 2 hours before the wedding ceremony - please air canada - don't be delayed!) but as i was walking to the subway with all of my travel sized items i walked past a stunning display of beautiful and unique gift cards. fuck! i forgot the present! and the wrap! and the card! ack!

see, the problem was i knew what i was going to get as a gift... a new t-fal pan, some organic maple syrup, some organic jam and a couple of no-fail recipes for pancakes and for irish soda bread (which i'd made for chad before & he just loved). nice to have the idea. not so nice to not actually pick up any of the necessary items. i actually can't take credit for the idea - it was my roomie's idea... :) but they are my recipes!

after a slight panic over not being able to find nice paper i was able to come away with some passable parchment paper from lewis craft. it seems that since the advent of email - no one uses nice stationary anymore. i felt so victorian as i asked shop after shop if they carried stationary or single-sheets of writing paper. it was rather disheartening to be directed to the back-to-school lined paper on special - on more than one occasion. for a while there i was fearing that i'd have to make the long rainy trek out to queen west to make a visit to the fab japanese paper place - but as my friend pointed out - i'm not allowed in there without a chaperone, lest i lose my little mind and buy things i don't need.

being the good and organized traveler that i aspire to be, i checked out the weather on good old environment canada's website... and my gods, i am going to freeze out west. tomorrow in saskatoon is supposed to be 20C but with rain. and all next week in edmonton has it sitting at 12C/4C. that is autumn weather. i don't know if my heat addled brain can compute this. must bring jeans, sweaters & long sleeved shirts. how bizarre.

i'm off in a few hours to catch a david usher show up at york university. very nice send off for a trip. reminds me of the david shows a few years ago at lee's palace that i saw the night before i went to costa rica. of the 4 lee's shows i only got to see 2 of them - as the other two were happening during my trip. that's life.

i'm not sure how much i'll be able to post while i'm off in alberta - my mum has a prehistoric dial-up modem and i normally don't have 15 minutes to wait for each page to load. le sigh.

[music | david usher, "souring"]

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