
of rubber chickens and cookie dough...

my roomie is off on a vacation to panama city... cross your fingers and toes that the hurricane season doesn't play havoc with her well deserved time off!

before she left, she turned me on to a faint lead for a potential contract gig. the contact is a friend of hers, someone she used to work with. it's funny. when i emailed him to see if he needed my resume and just to be in his face ("hi there! i'm great! hire me before i begin whoring myself out!") he sent back a note telling me he'd let me know what the company's plans were and to "make good use of the apartment while roomie is away".

what the? what could that mean? strange idle convo, no? anyway - i gave him some nice polite non-colourful response back (i don't really know the guy), but what i really wanted to write back was something along the lines of the following :

oh, yes, i have great and amazing plans for the apartment this week. thank you for asking.

monday is kitchen cricket (full scale tourney, bring your flamingos)

tuesday is rubber chicken and mazola orgy day (byorc, i'll supply the mazola)

wednesday is a little something i like to call battle of the bands (i have invited two local bands to come to my place for a rock-opera-rock-off. one band will be in my living room, the other in my roommate's bedroom. the prize? 30 minutes in the sauna - with the left over slightly oiled rubber chickens from the previous night's activities)

thursday is a night off. veronica mars is on. no one messes with my veronica mars night.

friday is an intimate gathering for fat abba friday - we will all make our fave cookie recipe and eat the dough raw while watching aussie movie, "muriel's wedding"

so - i'm filling up the guest cards now.... what would ya'll like to come over for? ;->

[music | the white stripes, "girl, you have no faith in medicine"]

1 comment:

Johnny Newt said...

Holy Lord, I think i'll wait for next weeks schedule !