
shiatsu - ow!

so what with the decision to go back to the gym - i decided that going to a few shiatsu sessions will help to unblock some energies before i start creating new blockages at the gym....

i went monday and it was quite painful... i learned that my muscles were a lot tighter than i had realized.... that and that i had mucho blockages (i know this because i wanted to throw up or laugh or cry at many points in the session!) the fucked up thing is that i was so drained after the session that i could barely drag myself home in time to take a 3.5 hour nap & then run downtown to meet my friend michael for a hangout and dinner... i thought you were supposed to leave these shiatsu thingies feeling refreshed and envigorated or at the most, relaxed. i didn't realize i'd be nearly comotose!

i'll go back next monday and have round two done... we shall see how much better it feels.... and hopefully i won't feel like crawling under the nearest rock and laying there for a few days....

[music | david usher, "going home"]

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