

raja at his regal best

i can't believe that only 6 months from the time we lost our dear cat nes, that we have now lost her big brother and living teddy bear, raja.

we were with him today as the vet helped him ease into the long catnap. may he be basking in eternal sunbeams tonight. with great piles of cat nip and the company of his other cat family - nes and boris.

beanie-baby, i miss you. thank you.
sporting one of his, 'i'm so much better than you' expressions

ready for your extreme close-up?

chillin on the sofa

no one is pround of this shot - but it just had to be included! raja in his rolly-polly prime


Unknown said...

simply beautiful and endearing, touched my heart.

Love to you.


Unknown said...
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jodi said...

thank you my love....
i got your phone message and have meant to call back - i'm ok... it's been tough... you never really realize how much these little guys take over tiny moments in your life until the tiny moments are left unfulfilled...
xo, jo

jodi said...

hello my friend cobob... i wonder if you're in toronto now... maybe i should check your blog....hmmmmmmm