
uh, i'm responsible.... forgive me????

well, will wonders never cease? first we had jd performing his gawdawful original song for the 3rd time last night on rockstar : inxs and now we have gwb claiming responsibility for the horrendous response time to the results of hurricane katrina. and that is a first - i believe. it's probably the closest that administration will ever get to an apology.

this is the administration that refused to acknowledge the faulty information that lead to the war in iraq (remember the whole, "they have weapons of mass destruction" song and war-drum dance?). this is the administration that refused to apologize for the human rights violations that were documented in abu ghraib - and potentially in the guantanamo bay prison as well. this is an administration of arrogance. granted - if you were handed the keys to the worlds most powerful and wealthy nation (twice!?!), you might feel a little puffed and mighty yourself.

but bush has come out and gone on the record basically stated that the buck stops here. he is to blame for the problems and for the fact that response time to disasters haven't improved at all since 9/11 (in fact, it seems to have gotten worse). he claimed that he was responsible for the mishandling of the response and reaction to the hurricane katrina aftermath and flooding. the flooding, by the way, is starting to look more and more like the levees were broken via arson, not katrina. that would be the saddest news of all.

now i don't think that gwb has woken up on the other side of the bed and decided that he needed to appear more humble. no, sadly, we all know that this is part of a massive image tweak that is beginning. i mean, he's gone 3 times now to the areas most affected by katrina. this from the president who in the early days of this disaster elected to have photo ops with guitars and good ole boys. this is a start, but at the same time, it's really kind of like the proverbial finger in the dike. the claim of responsibility stopped short of being an apology. and it's rather late, don't you think?

moving on.... what the hell is a sheep doing in a bra in a dorm room. eeew! or rather, ewe.

also - what do you do when you own a smelly cat. the new kitten pretty much refuses to clean and she is greasy and beginning to smell. most unattractive. this afternoon she came running up to me - and one side of her was soaking wet. first i thought she'd been undergoing a heavy duty cleaning session - but no, it turns out that she fell into her water dish - and just couldn't be bothered to lick herself dry. if this goes on much longer i won't be able to cuddle with her! the wet food already makes her farts smell like rotten pumpkins and now she smells of dirty hair. lovely. but she has the most beautiful eyes! :)

[music | the smiths, "money changes everything"]

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