
bubble girl

we've just moved past the last day of summer and into the first day of autumn. mabon is a time of reflection and balance - and yummy soups. i thought i'd take the day to take stock of my current place in the landscape of my life and i have to say - wow. can we all lighten up a little?

we've got a 33 year old pervert taking cell phone pics up the skirts of little girls in grocery stores. we've got recovered bodies from two separate missing women in ontario. one was apparently murdered by a neighbour and we still just don't know about the other. we have yet another canadian scandal involving money- this time it's with the feds giving grant money to some tech companies that may or may not have lived up to their end of the contract. we have a man in ontario being released on bail after spending 12 years in jail for the rape and murder of his niece - but now it appears that she may not have been raped or murdered (what the fuck happened there?)

we've got raine maida pontificating about how profound and selective and important he is (but that's nothing new). we have shirley manson complaining about inxs reliving the past by picking a new lead singer via a reality show. we have the american media in a mass orgy over the prospects of another katrina scale hurricane (who need to talk about katrina's effects anymore, we have the potential grim disaster of rita to dwell on). and lots and lots of people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom (eewwww!) and if they're not doing it in public - you just KNOW they're not doing it at home either.

i could go on - but why bother. why not just go to kitten wars and see how zelda is doing? :) 61% at last check. c'mon gurl!

[music | the music, "breakin'"]

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