
all the data entry has fried my brain.....


so in my current situation which finds me with a paucity of gainful employ, i have taken on some admin/organizational/bookkeeping work for a record producer. he's a nice guy with a lot of work - but being one of those 'creative types', he has absolutely ZERO ability to keep himself organized in any sort of civilized manner....

he has also hired some business managers to handle all of his financial stuff & i'm working with them to get the past 2 years ready for the tax man....

and i have lost the forest for the trees... currently i think i am logging and catagorizing the types of trees and how many holes their leaves have and how many branches they have... i have lost the shining path in all of these bloody receipts. and quickbooks is a real bastard. me thinks me hates quickbooks....

the memorable buffy quote "fire burn, tree pretty" kinda describes my current state of brain.

so, as a remedy - i thusly present :

pictures from my garden

scarlet verbena, pansies and mexican heather in my front pot

very pretty day lily - have about a million of these

my very overgrown arbour - it's nice to sit in there! if you don't mind spiders...

gorgeous african dasies

unidentifed pretty purple flowering plants... i have a group of about 40 of them - they smell very nice!

[music | david usher, "forestfire"]


Anonymous said...

Plant on the last picture is a PHLOX.

jodi said...

thank you kk - very appreciated... :) i have more unidentified flowering plants too.... if you come back - let me know & i'll post them for you... :)

jodi said...

imajica... have a wonderful bbq tonight!