
you never know what's around the corner...

since getting laid-off in the merger-madness at sony bmg, i've been at home and on ei. not ideal - but there are great things about it too. i get to visit with friends during the day, i can go out and stare at my new fishies for as long as i want to, i can go to the gym/yoga during the day, i have time to write and i can watch movies! the not-so-good things are obvious : lack of income, not being able to purchase fabulous new clothes or shoes, less dinners out, a giant blank space on my resume - you get the idea.... :-(

to earn a little bit of extra $$ i've been starting to look at reading tarot for a fee - in the past, i refused payment, but accepted gifts - if the person felt so inclined. in fact, i have an artshow next weekend that i have been asked to be at as a reader - hopefully i'll get at least one reading there. also - one of the producers i worked with at sony said he liked my work and after i was laid-off, he asked me to help him get organized (receipts, bank statements, etc for his accountant). between the two, it's not nearly enough to keep me in my formerly-fahbulous lifestyle - but it lets me do things like not feeling guilty about ordering in thai food or getting my hair cut/coloured.

this morning i had a meeting with the new business manager (rick) for the producer-guy. the meeting went well, i got some direction on what exactly they will need from me and it looks like much more $$ will be coming my way for this. i will get set up on quickbooks and do that whole thang... certainly not going to keep the juices flowing or make my spirit sing - but hey, it's better than a kick in the teeth.

as part of the getting-to-know-you portion of the meeting, i told rick that my background includes many years in the music industry, several years as a project manager for website development projects and a background/interest in freelance writing. i guess i said the right things and had the right combo of skills and experience because rick told me about an idea he has for his music clients. without getting into detail - he asked me to consider developing a project plan for him for this potential new ebusiness opportunity. i would develop a phased plan, which would potentially also include content writing/editing, site administration and more. his idea is very ambitious and portions of it got me really excited. he has a large number of canadian and american music clients and this could be just the thing to open another door....

...or not....

before i get too excited about it all, i am realistic enough to know that most things in life don't turn out how you might think they will and this could easily turn into an ooey-gooey piece of gum on the underside of my desk. also, to be fair, i need to make sure that what i can offer him is what he expects and deserves. i tried to caution him, but goddess bless him - he was very positive, saying that in our brief conversation, i had already asked great questions and started pulling more detail out of the concept that he'd previously considered. i also have the new media terminology that he'd need to bridge that world and not get taken for a ride by some of these new media companies that prey on folk with great ideas but no experience/background in that dorky-clannish world.

we shall see what lies ahead.... yey for possibilities and for unseen blessings already on their way.

[music | tori amos, "never seen blue"]

1 comment:

jodi said...

imajica - thank you sweetie! i will let you know what happens... :-)

and ken - you'll never see that money from those bottom-feeders....